Business of Biotech Courses
On-Demand Classes
Learn anywhere, anytime
at your own pace.
Certificates available.
Live Courses
Prescheduled 1-2 day signature courses.
Delivered live online or onsite.
Certificates available.
In-House Training
Developed and delivered online or onsite by industry experts.
Certificates available.
On-Demand Micro Classes
On-Demand Signature Courses
Live Signature Courses

Biopharmaceutical Commercialization Immersion

Revenue Forecasting and Epidemiology Immersion

Drug Pricing, Policy, and Utilization Immersion
Not Finding What You Need?
In-house training, customized to the needs of your business, is our specialty.
Our Pricing
On-Demand Micro Classes: Each class is $190 USD. BIO members receive special pricing of $160 USD per class. Participants are given one year access to class content.
Bulk Discount Pricing
Number of Total Classes
10-20 Classes
Discount Per Class - 25%
Price Per Class - $152
21-100 Classes
Discount Per Class - 30%
Price Per Class - $133
101-250 Classes
Discount Per Class - 40%
Price Per Class - $114
251-500 Classes
Discount Per Class - 50%
Price Per Class - $95
500+ Classes
Discount Per Class - 70%
Price Per Class - $57